Greyson's Events Epilepsy Scholarship
help with your schooling needs Greyson's will be giving away 4 500 dollars scholarships each school year
before the start of the fall semester to students with diagnosed epilepsy under a doctor's care, that are
currently attending or about to attend a Louisiana college. Below you will be able to submit an essay
explaining the challenges you face in your pursuit of higher education while dealing with epilepsy. Essays
are due by July 14th. Once we receive them, we will review them all and reach out to the winners to verify
the doctor's care they’re under before we issue the scholarship payments in early August.

Let us first introduce you to our founder and
owner. His name is Aaron Delcambre, and he had his first seizure at the age of 18 months. Since then, he has
suffered on and off with grand mall seizures. He has bitten massive holes completely through my tongue.
Luckily about 2 years ago he found a medicine to control hie epilepsy and has since lived a normal life.
Here at Greyson's events and entertainment our goal is to give back to students who suffer with this disorder but still try to push through. We know that the classroom setting can be a tough place for a student with epilepsy, so we salute you for your continued pursuit of your education and offer you a helping hand in your journey through life and school with this challenging disorder.
A message from our founder and owner:
I pray that one day you may find the right medicine or treatment to help lead a normal life with your epilepsy as I have. Continue to push forward in your life and schooling and may the Lord truly bless you.
Here at Greyson's events and entertainment our goal is to give back to students who suffer with this disorder but still try to push through. We know that the classroom setting can be a tough place for a student with epilepsy, so we salute you for your continued pursuit of your education and offer you a helping hand in your journey through life and school with this challenging disorder.
A message from our founder and owner:
I pray that one day you may find the right medicine or treatment to help lead a normal life with your epilepsy as I have. Continue to push forward in your life and schooling and may the Lord truly bless you.
Scholarship Entry Submission Form
complete the entry form below and be sure to answer each question completely for consideration. You may
submit an entry for another person that has active epilepsy